Perceptual vai relative?

Printterit, skannerit, online-tulostukset
Viestit: 75
Liittynyt: Heinä 23, 2004 15 : 50

Perceptual vai relative?

Viesti Kirjoittaja juhpie »

Tulostusasetuksissa (omassa tapauksessani Lightroomissa) on valittavissa joko perceptual tai relative. Mikä ero näillä on lopputulokseen ja mista tietää tehdä oikean valinnan?
Cloudcity. Uuden ajan pilvipalvelu.
Juha Sa
Viestit: 429
Liittynyt: Kesä 27, 2008 10 : 06

Re: Perceptual vai relative?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Juha Sa »

Relative colorimetric only changes the colors that are out of gamut. Those that can be printed are pretty much left alone. The out of gamut colors are converted to the closest printable color. This makes the in gamut colors print more accurately, but the downside is that colors that were very different in the image come out looking similar on the print. This is because the out of gamut color has been brought into gamut but the in gamut color has been left alone, so the relative color distance between them gets smaller.

Perceptual rendering changes all the colors. Out of gamut colors are brought into gamut but in gamut colors are also changed to retain the relationships between colors. So, in our orange flower example a larger range of colors might be printed maintaining the look of the flower better, even though more colors have been changed. Also, perceptual can be better than relative colorimetric at retaining highlight and shadow details.
Vastaa Viestiin