The replacement for the D80 will be called the D90, as expected. Curiously, at a casual glance the only thing that most people will notice different from a D80 is the presence of a much bigger color LCD on the back.
However, there are a few odds and ends that catch your notice on closer examination. On the back, for example, we now have Live View and Info buttons, and the OK button is in the middle of the direction pad. On the front there's a microphone grill next to the infrared receiver.
On the side, the labels on the rubber doors reveal HDMI and GPS connectors in addition to the expected ones.
So what is a D90? Well, a 12mp, ~4.5 fps DSLR, basically. On paper those seem like modest boosts from the D80. In practice, they are a distinct notch forward in performance. The big news, however, is that Live View now has a twist that other DSLRs can't currently claim: it can record video (thus the microphone grill).
Nyhhä se sit myrkyn lygäs gu järggärillä voi ottaa videoottia.....We also get a new lens for kitting with the D90: the 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G DX VR