Nuo komennot ajetaan komentoriviltä (sellainen pikakuvake jossain siellä sinun valikoissasi). Siirry komennolla cd c:\argyllcms\bin hakemistoon, josta nuo ajetaan nuo edellisessä viestissä nyt vahvistettuna on esitetty.
Ainoat ongelmat, joita voi tulla on vanhat ajurit ja uuden väriprofiilin asettaminen ja en ole varma miten xp:ssä noi saa ratkaistua. Ajurit pitäisi vaihtua asentamalla ajurit argyllin ajureiksi suoraan.
Tuossa on argyllin sivuilta ohjeet ajureiden vaihtoon. Ei ole suomenkielistä windowsia, joten en ala suomentamaan...
Plug the instrument that you want to install the the computer.
Right click on the "My Computer" item on the desk top and select "Manage".
Click on "Device Manager"
Locate the device in the device manager. It may be underneath one of the top level "USB" items.
Right click on the device and choose "Update Driver Software..."
For "Can Windows connect to Windows Update to search for software ?" Select "No, not this time" and "Next"
Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced) " then "Next"
In the next screen, select the "Don't search. I will choose the driver to install" button, then click "Next".
On the next screen "Select the device driver you want to install for this hardware", the Argyll driver and any alternative
driver for the device should be listed. Choose the driver you want to switch to, and then Click "Next".
A "Please wait while the wizard installs the software" dialog will be shown.
You should get the final screen "Completing the Hardware Update Wizard". Click "Finish".
The Argyll driver will now be used to access the device.